
Group highlights

Highlighted recent publications from the group; scroll down for an extended list of publications.

TrackFM: Far-out Compiler Support for a Far Memory World

This paper introduces the compiler-based approach to far memory. Prior approaches leverage either the OS kernel’s paging subsystem or a library in userspace. The latter requires code changes, and the former introduces I/O overheads. We present the first approach that uses the compiler for automatic far memory.

Brian R. Tauro, Brian Suchy, Simone Campanoni, Peter Dinda, Kyle C. Hale


29th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Vol. 1

Near-term Ecological Forecasting for Climate Change Action

Ecological forecasts can be used to predict changes in ecosystems and subsequent impacts on communities. In addition to long-term projections, there is an important need for forecasts in shorter-term decision-making time periods of weeks and months. Scientists at the Ecological Forecasting Initiative are working to advance the field through a process that enables them to continually update model predictions with observed data in order to improve our ability to foresee what may happen in the future.

Michael Dietze, Ethan P. White, Antoinette Abeyta, Carl Boettiger, Nievita Bueno Watts, Cayelan C. Carey, Rebecca Chaplin-Kramer, Ryan E. Emanuel, S. K. Morgan Ernest, Renato J. Figueiredo, Michael D. Gerst, Leah R. Johnson, Melissa A. Kenney, Jason S. McLachlan, Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis, Jody A. Peters, Christine R. Rollinson, Juniper Simonis, Kira Sullivan-Wiley, R. Quinn Thomas, Glenda M. Wardle, Alyssa M. Willson & Jacob Zwart

Nature '24

Nature Climate Change, Nov. 2024


Extended Publications

eScience '24 FaaSr: Cross-Platform Function-as-a-Service Serverless Scientific Workflows in R
Sungjae Park, R. Quinn Thomas, Cayelan C. Carey, Austin D. Delany, Yun-Jung Ku, Mary E. Lofton, Renato J. Figueiredo
20th International IEEE eScience Conference, 2024

ASPLOS '24 TrackFM: Far-out Compiler Support for a Far Memory World
Brian R. Tauro, Brian Suchy, Simone Campanoni, Peter Dinda, Kyle C. Hale
29th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Vol. 1

FGCS 140(2024) EdgeVPN: Self-organizing layer-2 virtual edge networks
K. Subratie, S. Aditya, R. Figueiredo
Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 140, March 2023, Pages 104-116

NetSoft '24 PolyNet: Cost- and Performance-aware Multi-criteria Link Selection for Software-defined Edge-to-cloud Overlay Virtual Networks
Vahid Daneshmand, Kensworth Subratie, Renato Figueiredo
Proceedings of IEEE NetSoft, 2024

Middleware '22 Bolt: Fast Inference for Random Forests
Eduardo Romero, Christopher Stewart, Angela Li, Kyle C. Hale, Nathaniel Morris
23rd ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference, 2022

TPDS 33(6) '22 Modeling Speedup in Multi-OS Environments
Brian R. Tauro, Conghao Liu, Kyle C. Hale
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Volume 33, June 2022, pages 1436-1450

EuroSys '22 Isolating Functions at the Hardware Limit with Virtines
Nicholas C. Wanninger, Joshua J. Bowden, Kirtankumar Shetty, Ayush Garg, and Kyle C. Hale
7th European Conference on Computer Systems, 2022

eScience '21 Edge-to-cloud Virtualized Cyberinfrastructure for Near Real-time Water Quality Forecasting in Lakes and Reservoirs
V. Daneshmand, A. Breef-Pilz, C. Carey, Y. Jin, Y-J. Ku, K. Subratie, R. Q. Thomas, R. Figueiredo
17th International IEEE eScience Conference, 2021

PLDI '21 Task Parallel Assembly Language for Uncompromising Parallelism
Mike Rainey, Ryan R. Newton, Kyle C. Hale, Nikos Hardavellas, Simone Campanoni, Peter Dinda, Umut A. Acar
42nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2021

SC '21 Paths to OpenMP in the Kernel
Jiacheng Ma, Wenyi Wang, Aaron Nelson, Michael Cuevas, Brian Homerding, Conghao Liu, Zhen Huang, Simone Campanoni, Kyle C. Hale, and Peter Dinda
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), 2021

Nature '24 Near-term Ecological Forecasting for Climate Change Action
Michael Dietze, Ethan P. White, Antoinette Abeyta, Carl Boettiger, Nievita Bueno Watts, Cayelan C. Carey, Rebecca Chaplin-Kramer, Ryan E. Emanuel, S. K. Morgan Ernest, Renato J. Figueiredo, Michael D. Gerst, Leah R. Johnson, Melissa A. Kenney, Jason S. McLachlan, Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis, Jody A. Peters, Christine R. Rollinson, Juniper Simonis, Kira Sullivan-Wiley, R. Quinn Thomas, Glenda M. Wardle, Alyssa M. Willson & Jacob Zwart
Nature Climate Change, Nov. 2024